My name is Restita DeJesus, and I'm a martial artist. Lessons learned during my journey in Martial Arts, Energy Arts. Throwing in memories from my childhood, motivational quips, philosophy, fun stuff, and the occasional random thoughts from left-field.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Moto trip: day 11, leaving Astoria, Morton WA, then home!
We stopped in Morton for lunch. Lyn had a headache, Anna was exhausted, and I was sniffling and felt a headache coming on....I think I caught a bug is Reedsport. Ugh.
It got hot again, since coming inland from the coast....maybe I didn't drink enough water today, which might explain the headache.
Later, upon getting onto hwy 167, we could feel home getting closer. (me, I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed!). We parted ways from 167 to go to our respective homes.
Aaah. Home. As much fun as I've had on this trip, I'm glad to be home.
Feels funny to drive a car
now though. I ran some errands upon arriving home, using my car. I followed a guy on a Harley for part of the way, and found myself veering a bit to the right to get "into staggered formation". Duh. Car, Rusty. Ha ha!
Moto trip: day 10, Newport, Rockaway Beach, Canon Beach, Astoria
After leaving Reedsport, we continued up the coast on a chilly ride....exceptionally cool on the coast the last few days. Stopped in Newport for a hot bowl of chowder (yum!).
Nearing Rockaway Beach, I saw what I thought was a bird that Lyn rode over. It appeared that feathers exploded all over the place. Turns out, as I passed the "bird", I found that the "feathers" were dollar bills! Her wallet fell out of her jacket pocket and her cards and money were blowing all over the road. "Uh oh, something dropped", lyn told Anna Marie over the intercom. We immediately pulled over......
Lyn ran up the road to get her wallet....wasn't easy since there was traffic whizzing by. She got all her stuff, thankfully. Needless to say, I checked all my pockets and made sure they were zipped up!
Stopped off at Canon Beach to take some pics, then off to Astoria to stay with member, Andrew.
Nice guy, and very hospitable. We all went to St. George brewhouse to meet some gal-buddies of his, for live music and beer. We were all so tired...after getting back to Andrew's place, I blew up my mattress and was out till 7:30 the next morning......
(pics are of Canon Beach, and with Andrew just before leaving his house)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Day 9: Rogue City, OR
The above pic is of the huge "R" carved in to the hillside at Rogue City..... Below the hillside are some the booths for the Rooster Crow Festival.....I don't know how well the pic will turn out, but the white blob on the hill is the big "R".
Restita DeJesus
Seattle Wushu Center
5519 Airport Way S. #4
Seattle, WA 98108
(206) 229-4774
Day 8: Eureka! No's "Yreka"...
About 30 miles back, we got gas in a small town (forgot the name) and just the 5 minutes of going inside to pay and pumpng our gas made us sweat like pigs....I was starting to get that weird light headed "white vision". Everything felt better after we got moving again..I normally don't ride with my jacket unzipped, but I left my jacket halfway unzipped so the air would circulate through.
It felt so good to get the sweaty gear off at the motel! After unloading the bikes, we went into town to find food. We ate at a Chinese restaurant called "Ming's",....pretty tasty food in a small town!
We're relaxing the room now...but I don't get internet access at the moment here (lyn's smartphone isn't getting internet either) this blog will be posted tomorrow (June 28).
What! No internet! Geez.
(pics above are of us clowning around in Yreka, and that sunny picture with the bikes?.....don't touch the bikes, everything on the bikes is blazing hot!)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tar snakes and trucks.....
We were coming into Redding, passing a bunch of semis in the slow lane. I gripped the tank lightly with my legs as we passed, because the wind blasts were pretty gusty. Just as we passed the last truck, I heard a "thump" as the truck ran over a piece of tire. The pieces of rubber kickedover into my lane, quick as a flash! I swerved to the left and saw it bouncing toward my right leg....I lifted my foot but it caught my toe then bounced right into my shin. Yowch. I'd much get kicked hard in the thigh with a good roundhouse kick. I looked behind to see if Lyn encountered it, and it appeared that she was okay..
Boy, it hurt. We pulled over about 3 miles later. Turns out, after the rubber (the size of a baseball base) hit me, Lyn ran over it behind me.
Ugh. Can't wait to see what the bruise is going to look like.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dick's burgers flown into Cali from Seattle!
He called this afternoon, just before his flight back home, asking if we wanted anything......and a few hours later, we had...Dick's burgers!
Diana said "Wow, I'm surprised you ordered a burger, 'cuz you can get those anytime at home..."
"Yeah, but I got it for the experience of having Dick's burgers flown in from Seattle!" I answered. :-)
Lyn provided "dinner music"..she borrowed Thomas's guitar and sang "Daddy's Home" when Thomas wheeled in his suitcase. Then we sang all sorts of other songs before we decided to make some grilled cheese was like a campout in the family room! We still need to finish our laundry and packing for our ride out tomorrow morning.
Wow...rush hour in Sacramento....
Turns out, the Sacramento Harley shop thinks that the crankcase was overfilled at her last oil change. Her plugs, air cleaner, and jets were clogged with an oil/gas mixture. Her air cleaner was really clogged and her plugs were pretty fouled. They cleaned out the system and change out the fouled parts with new ones. Yay!
Saw motorcycles first time seeing that. I actually took a pic of one guys splitting lanes as we were going 20 mph in rush hour.
Helping out around the house...
Dishes,...then laundry later.....
My bike is done with its oil change and I'll pick it up later.....
The harley place finally called Anna about her broken-bike....they suspect that a modulator is malfunctioning. On top of that, they found GAS and oil in her air filter. A bit of oil I can understand....but gas?? They're going to take it out on the freeway to try and duplicate the loss of power.....if it dies they should have a better idea of what's going on.
More blogging to come later.....
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Playing in the pool...
Moto trip: Day 5
Aaaah. Sitting here with my feet in Diana's pool....hoping I don't drop this phone in it! Ha ha! Now to decide what to do for lunch.....
The pics above are of my niece Keilani and my sister adjusting the pool cleaner....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
*Comment* Geez, maybe I should rotate pics before I post them
Moto trip: Day 4
Anna got her bike towed to the local Harley dealership. Hopefully they'll find out what's going on with her bike before we have to leave on Friday.
Lyn and I washed the insect carcasses from our bikes today. Yuk! On our way to my sister's last night, I could HEAR the bugs slapping into my 2 minutes I watched my windshield go from clear to covered. Eeew. My saddlebags, my jacket, chaps, boots, were covered in bug parts and bug innards. Funny my helmet didn't get much at all.
Taking my bike to the shop in the morning for an oil change....gotta get to bed now!
My sister Diana took us to a wonderful restaurant, "Savory Chicken", which has the best Filipino style fried chicken and gravy I've ever had! I wish there was one in Seattle!
Pics- day 2
Moto trip: Day 3
After filling up on coffee and waffles at the complimentary continental breakfast, we packed the bikes up for the long ride to Elk Grove.
The freeway was full of nice sweeping curves....I definitely didn't get en-tranced from the a bike's drone like I did once on a looong straightaway. A very scenic ride. I almost threw one fist up in victory when we passed the sign that said "Welcome To California", but we were passing an 18-wheeler so I passed on the celebration. :-)
I briefly thought about asking if we could stop in Weed, just so I could get a pic of me next to a sign like "Welcome to Weed". :-)
I could feel "success" nearing as the miles flew behind us. "145 miles to Sacramento" turned into 100, which turned into 50, which turned into 45 miles to Sacramento......then....
.......SWITCH---OFF......Like a big transformer clunking loudly as all power is shut down, the last leg of our ride was unfortunately delayed. Anna's bike lost all power...right there on the freeway, while going 80 mph......
I heard a different sound coming from Anna's bike (I was riding 2nd in formation so I heard her bike clearly)....she suddenly slowed, and went to pull over. I was following about 1 second behind, and desperately tried to slow from 75 mph to 15 mph in a very short distance, so as to not run into Anna as she pulled in front of me on her way to the right shoulder. Lyn almost ran into me in the process, but we made it to the side of the freeway safely.
We all dismounted. Lyn checked the oil registering on Anna's dipstick. "Oh crap" I thought. "I hope the engine didn't sieze up" .
Lyn ran 4 miles down the freeway to buy oil for Anna's bike Some oil put into the crankcase, and her bike started right up. A mile down the road, the bike died again. No obvious leaks, no loss of lighting, no loose wires or fouled spark plugs. That's it....time to call a tow truck!
The first tow company that Lyn called, was no help at all. After telling the guy at the shop that we were "7 miles south of Arbuckle and 44 miles north of Sacramento", and after clearly explaining the situation, the guy said " well, the tow would be cheaper for you if you take the bike to Sacramento".
"What? I'd mentioned...the bike is DEAD....won't run...."
*click* Lyn hung up.
Called another place in Elk would take about an hour to get to us, but at least we could take the bike to my sister's. The hour was taking forwever....I had to pee badly, and was about ready to find a place by the side of the road....but there was no place to go without drivers seeing. Anna said screw it and went ahead to use the bathroom......I passed on the experience because I didn't want briars in my underwear!
Long wait for the truck, but after the truck got there, Lyn and I took off for the nearest Chevron to gas up and use the bathroom. Whew! I thought I was going to injure myself from holding it!
We figured that Anna and the tow truck would get to my sisiter's house first....but Lyn sure was riding like a bat outta hell....80 the dark, with other drivers tailing me. I had to concentrate on the fast 1 hour ride because my contacts were being blurry. I I lost sight of lyn, I wouldn't be able to tell her tail light from a car's tail light.
On the way to my sister's, we managed to catch up with the tow truck....geez, we must've been going fast. Eek!
Made it to my sister's house. We all went to In n' Out Burgers for food, then crashed.....another long day!
Moto trip: day 2
We stayed in Ashland sunday night, ate at an Indian restaurant that had the BEST chicken Korma I've ever had! We tried to convince the owner to move to Seattle, since he was looking to move anyway due to slow business. But alas, he's planning on taking on a Qdoba chain .....darn it.
Funny how long tours on a bike can warp one's sense of time. I've heard a few other bikers talk about "time-hold awareness....where there's this weird sense of disorientation yet full awareness of "now". The disorientation happens when we actually check a clock and wonder why its the time it is, based on the experiences of the day. For me, time feels as if it stopped, in a way. I'm a little in a weird state...not a bad state....just a little "weird". I don't quite know how else to explain it. I do know that my bike feels like a "part" of me now, as opposed to me merely controlling it.
Tomorrow....its off for the ride to my sister's house in Elk Grove California.
Moto trip day 1
We went to pick up Anna Marie, then we headed off to the "end of the quarter" party for the Wushu class. Lots of great food and great company to start the journey....
We left the party early to go to the studio to wish the kung fu students much luck for their exams . I was bummed that I'd miss their test, but I know they'd do well.
Off we go! A relatively good ride to Eugene, where we stayed with "couchsurfing" members Sean and Teresa. Wonderful couple and great people! On the way there, we stopped several times to gas stop was in Elbe where I snapped a pic of a quaint tiny church.....
In the morning, the plan is to visit Crater Lake then get to Ashland to a motel.....
Monday, June 23, 2008
moto trip: day 1
We went to pick up Anna Marie, then we headed off to the "end of the quarter" party for the Wushu class. Lots of great food and great company to start the journey....
We left the party early to go to the studio to wish the kung fu students much luck for their exams . I was bummed that I'd miss their test, but I know they'd do well.
Off we go! A relatively good ride to Eugene, where we stayed with "couchsurfing" members Sean and Teresa. Wonderful couple and great people!
In the morning, the plan is to visit Crater Lake then get to Ashland to a motel.....
Monday, June 9, 2008
*sigh* darn gas prices!
looking for my Tourmaster raingear right now! :-)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Getting pumped for the ride to Cali
We're going to "couch surf" on the way to Cali....kind of a foreign concept to me....meeting people along your travels and sleeping at their place for no charge! Of course, gifts and household assistance are appreciated. As cost effectice such lodgings are, it would be my first time couch-surfing and while I'm willing to try it, I'm a little iffy about it. Its all about "cultural exchange", and all members are verified and (most are) vouched for. That prevents the wierdos and sickos from showing up at your door, I guess.
The couch surfing project is kind of cool..... check it out.....
testing out this mobile logging stuff..
In the of my students had this shirt on....and I just had to take a pic of it (considering that we do routines called "monkey forms")! Pretty amusing!