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Friday, March 21, 2025

Learning to differentiate between "intuition" and "personal issue influence"


Something that I've been working on for some months now, is learning to differentiate between "energy" and "personal influence". It is hard for me to explain my thought, but here goes.

We have all heard the phrase "Energy doesn't lie although words can be deceptive", or "Trust your intuition", and similar phrases. We might have even seen memes of similar concepts on social media. However, although some may wonder "it took you this long to figure it out?", the same people should realize that they wouldn't say that if they really understood. 😂

We're human.....and as much as some of us would like to think we are more 'evolved' than others,....we are all flawed. We make mistakes. We do things that are disagreeable and find ways to justify our actions or blame others. We look for the faults in others, etc etc.

Energy is indeed a powerful thing. Some people are really skilled at feeling out the energy in a room and adapting accordingly. Some are great at noticing vibes about someone that may be scattered, negative, stressed, joyful, celebrative, struggling, etc. Their intuition is strong.

However, I've been learning that there's a difference between "intuition" and "personal influence".

Our very own belief structures, prejudices, anxieties, insecurities, projected negativity, judgements, etc can indeed influence us, yet make us believe that it is our inner guidance, intuition, or as some might think, "Divine Guidance".  Personal influence is sometimes hard to differentiate from true intuition.

The learning curve is figuring out what is our intuition and what is our projected personal influence. 

I'm still learning and discovering.  And its going to be a ride on that rollercoaster on the learning curve.

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